Sunday, May 25, 2014

10 weeks old

Grandma and Grandpa Swartz were in town this weekend. It was great to have them here and for them to see all the ways that Noah has grown. They really enjoyed their time snuggling Noah and Grandma and I even enjoyed a shopping trip to Babies-R-Us to enjoy some of the Memorial Day Sales. I finally got Noah Sophie the Giraffe. It was one of the things we had registered for that I was shocked no one got us, especially with my love of giraffes and all of the other giraffe stuff Noah got. Just as I suspected, Noah already loves Sophie. Here he is holding on to Sophie during a walk around the neighborhood. I also got him some more pacifiers (they seem to walk away a lot!) and they just so happened to have giraffe print pacifiers in that kind that Noah takes...imagine that ;)

Monday, May 19, 2014

2 month check up

Today we went for Noah's 2 month check up. He was 11 lb. 8 oz. and 24 inches long. That's the 25% for his weight and the 87% for this height! The doctor said he is one long and skinny boy!

Everything else checked out good. Praise The Lord for a healthy little boy! Noah also had to have his shots, he cried while having them done, but calmed right back down after we held him. I think the worst part for him was being held down! He screamed louder for that than the actual shots! 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

2 months old

Noah is already 2 months old! It's pretty hard to believe, but he is doing great. He has become much more interactive, giving us lots of smiles and grabbing at toys more and more. You can tell he's a little more active because it was hard for me to get a good picture of him that wasn't all blurry from the wiggling! 
He sure is growing! Here is the comparison from 1 month old until now. We go to the doctor on Monday for his 2 month check up, so check back for his official stats!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Noah's Baby Dedication

Today we celebrated Noah's Baby Dedication at church. We were both excited and challenged to be charged with the awesome responsibility of parenting.

Dueteronomy 6:6-9 - And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your  hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them down on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.

We look forward to sharing the truth with Noah as he grows and pray that he would one day understand and accept Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Here is our sweet little man ready for his big day:

 It was great to have my parents with us today at church too! And it just so happened so all the boys were coordinating....I think they planned it!
The dedication took place at the beginning of the church service. The dads introduced their families, and then our Children's Pastor, Robbie Thomas, gave a charge to parents and then to the rest of the church.
 Here is our little family and Noah with one eye open - this is very typical! He had been sleeping, but often opens one eye just to make sure he isn't missing anything!
 And here we are with my parents! Thanks so much for coming to support us and Noah!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

All Smiles

The past week or so, Noah has really started to respond and smile at us more which has been such a joy! He is such a ham and loves to look in the mirror and make all kinds of faces and crack himself up. Here are a few of his cute smiles from this past week.